8. Mitski - Be the Cowboy
(34 point)

It’s the sound of a woman grinning through clenched teeth, an image that surfaces throughout the album in tense, twitchy lyrics that contrast beautifully with the lovely, dynamic snippets of melody that drift in and out of each song. But although she’s uptight and sometimes even mean, the persona Mitski plays with on Be The Cowboy also has a charming innocence about her, longing for revenge on her enemies and “one good movie kiss.”
8. Pusha T - Daytona
(34 point)

Critiques of Pusha’s lack of evolution are a matter of perspective. Sticking to his guns gives him a higher bar of excellence to meet — if he’s going to continue doing coke rap nearly 20 years into his career, it better be good. Instead of expanding his table of contents, he doubles down on straightforward tales of coke, guns and lavish living. As a result, what once was considered rigidity has now become dedication.
7. Kanye West - Ye
(36 point)

Maybe we should abolish the word “genius,” or just find heroes who give a shit. But I can admit that after ye ended unceremoniously the third or fourth time, I put on “Family Business,” and I thought about the kid from Chicago who wanted to be the biggest rapper in the world, who now lives in an empty-looking concrete mansion in Calabasas, who has stopped trying.
6. Robyn - Honey
(40 point)

Robyn spelar i Champions Legaue när det kommer till melankolisk pop med syntar. Sjunger de enklaste rader – ”All of the plans we made, they never happened” – med sådan uppriktighet att det är omöjligt att inte tro henne. Kanske är detta den svenska popmusikens verkliga storhet.
5. Okkervil River - In the Rainbow Rain
(42 point, 1 førsteplads)

The album's cover painting shows a verdant green oasis contained within a giant triangular greenhouse surrounded by a much gloomier landscape. It's an apt metaphor for this album, released in troubling times but guided by the perpetual search for inner spiritual light. Whatever the darkness outside, this is a record that reaches for joy and brightness within.
5. Kids See Ghosts - s/t
(42 point, 1 førsteplads)

Kids See Ghosts is the succulent fruit of a collaboration that stretches back a decade; it’s the guitar album Cudi has tried and failed at twice; and it’s the longest we’ve heard Kanye speak this year without saying anything awful or otherwise disappointing.
4. Kacey Musgraves - Golden Hour
(47 point, 1 førsteplads)

The very sound of Golden Hour is seductive -- it's warm and enveloping, pitched halfway between heartbreak and healing -- but the album lingers in the mind because the songs are so sharp, buttressed by long, loping melodies and Musgraves' affectless soul-baring. Previously, her cleverness was her strong suit, but on Golden Hour she benefits from being direct, especially since this frankness anchors an album that sounds sweetly blissful, turning this record into the best kind of comfort: it soothes but is also a source of sustenance.
3. Snail Mail - Lush
(49 point, 1 førsteplads)

Several of the most disarming moments on Lush come in the form of a question: “Do you love me?” “Don’t you like me for me?” “Who’s your type of girl?” “What could ever be enough?” “Did things work out for you?” These are intimate appeals, the kind that often come with watery eyes and trembling chins. But when Jordan sings them, it’s as if she’s staring directly at the person in question, commanding in her vulnerability.
2. Courtney Barnett - Tell Me How You Really Feel
(55 point)

Barnett's attention to quotidian experiences means she often revisits similar topics from song to song, and comparing her approaches can provide a lesson in the consequences of committing to compassion. On 2015's "Nobody Really Cares If You Don't Go To The Party," she sings with ambivalence about social obligations: "Yes I like hearing your stories, but I've heard them all before / I'd rather stay in bed, with the rain over my head, than have to pick my brain up off of the floor." But on "Sunday Roast," which closes Tell Me, Barnett has come around: "Keep on keeping on / You know you're not alone / I know all your stories / But I'll listen to them again." Having witnessed Barnett's earlier indifference and seen the full extent of her anger on this album means this ending — this decision to keep listening, even when it's hard, if it might do someone else some good — feels quietly, but powerfully, instructive.
1. Emilio Hestepis - Bygget kun 4 læsehest
(104 point)

Hello Mr. Toby Hammond from England! Have you listened to the tape? I very hope you can use this wonderful mixtape to become very good at Danish language over time, and also perhaps the other tapes that Emilio Hestepis has underground published over the years (just one but still extremely good). Good weekend!
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Her kan man bl.a. se at følgende albums med 33 point var et pubesbhår fra at ramme æbletoppen:
Kikagaku Moyo - Masana Temples
Sleep - The Sciences
Soccer Mommy - Clean
Yob - Our Raw Heart
Iceage - Beyondless
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