På trods af titlen drejer dette indlæg sig sådan set slet ikke om en vis hedengangen ung franskmand, men derimod om noget rætti, rætti god hegn, som jeg synes i alle sammen skal høre. Det kan være der sidder nogen derude, som er seje nok til at synes det er lige så fee som jeg gør, og så skader den slet skjulte reference jo absolut heller ikke. Her er teksten, som i nok bør læse mens i lytter:
* * *
Une Saison En Enfer
Sick of the sun
Corroded by the rain
Stolen laurels in felted hair
Worn faces that have traveled a long way
Wet rags sticking to her body
Bruised skin and sleepless eyes
Grinning and cursing malevolent skies
Strolling through hells
Whipped through heaven
Flirting with venomous snakes
Raping angels
Strolling through hells
Whipped through heaven
Dancing on desolate streets
When the skies rip open
Forgot his youth, but never her love
Forgot all his plans with life
Forgot the roof, but not the sky above
Mending their clothes
Licking their wounds
Scratches from the corals on their backs
Love bites from the kisses of shark attacks
Strolling through hells
Whipped through heaven
Flirting with venomous snakes
Raping angels
Strolling through hells
Whipped through heaven
Dancing on desolate streets
When the skies rip open
You that were banned from heaven and hell
Murderers that have suffered great pains
Searching in oceans of absinthe
The land where it is better to live
Black clouds pour their acid load on spiteful unbowed heads
And they are spitting it back
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P.S. Samme band starter albummet (Aeolian, 2006) med "The City in the Sea", hvis tekst decideret er en (lettere redigeret) tyvstjæling fra en anden stor forfatter. Find selv ud af hvem!
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