onsdag den 31. december 2014

TOP 20 TRACKS 2014

vi gjor d sgu :DD::D:D

20. How to Dress Well - Repeat Pleasure
(60 point)

19. Schoolboy Q feat. Kendrick Lamar - Collard Greens
(64 point)

18. Slothrust - Crockpot
(66 point)

17. Christopher Owens - It Comes Back To You
(66 point, 1 førsteplads)

16. Lil B - No Black Person Is Ugly
(68 point)

15. Medina - Jalousi
(70 point)

14. DJ Quik - Pet Semetary
(70 point)

13. Conor Oberst - Hundreds of Ways
(72 point)

12. Sun Kil Moon - I Love My Dad
(72 point, 1 førsteplads)

11. Vandreår - Alting fortsætter
(75 point)

10. Run the Jewels - Oh My Darling (Don't Cry)
(79 point)

9. Conor Oberst - Double Life
(80 point)

8. Iceage - The Lord's Favorite
(85 point)

7. Angel Olsen - Unfucktheworld
(89 point)

6. Taylor Swift - Shake it Off
(97 point, 1 førsteplads)

5. Sharon Van Etten - Everytime the Sun Comes Up
(100 point)

4. The War on Drugs - Red Eyes
(105 point)

3. Killer Mike speaks in solidarity w/ #Ferguson @ Run The Jewels show night of Grand Jury announcement
(113 point, 1 førsteplads)

2. Caribou - Can't Do Without You
(118 point)

1. Future Islands - Seasons
(155 point)

(hitliste mellemspil:) ÅREST DUKPRINSRE!

...så lang en vej vi er kommet. At man kan sidde på vinbar med Ørum, Bævi og Brande og nyde deres selskab, og de fuldkommen ikke-vrede druer, resulterende i en fuldkommen ikke-opkastende situation. Som en vin selv bliver mere nuanceret med årene, dukker der flere streger op i fjæset på os. Hej Læsestof (=> Farvel Matematik).

Jeg kunne ikke lade være med at tænke på den (åbenbart? og måske heldigt nok?) hedengangne uddeling af drukprinstitlen. Jeg må sige, jeg har ikke selv sparet på bajseladen dette år, men jeg synes trods alt titlen går til Shia LaBeouf. I hvert fald for denne hitsingle af en aften - prøv selv:

Han skulle lige have forsøgt at skjule en trekantet liter is i sit bukseben, så havde dén aften været komplet.

tirsdag den 30. december 2014

TOP 10 ALBUMS 2014


10. St. Vincent - St. Vincent
(30 point)

St. Vincent continues Clark's run as one of the past decade's most distinct and innovative guitarists, though she's never one to showboat. Her harmonic-filled style bears the influence of jazz (she picked up a lot of her signature tricks from her uncle, the jazz guitarist Tuck Andress) and prog rock, two genres known to embrace sprawl. But Clark's freak-outs are tidy, modular and architecturally compact—like King Crimson rewritten by Le Corbusier.

9. Fossils - Flesh Hammer
(31 point, 1 førsteplads)

Flesh Hammer er et kærkomment los i løgene, når man tænker på hvor mange middelmådige metervarer og tomme kalorier, der florerer ude i æteren, og de fleste ville nok have godt af at få renset ud i øregangene af nærværende kødhammer.

8. Caribou - Our Love
(32 point)

Our Love certainly is not an upending of an avant garde, nor is it immediate/in your face pop punching through stalled structures, instead it's a quietly pondering, still expressive voice in the head.

7. Angel Olsen - Burn Your Fire For No Witness
(35 point)

John Congleton produced Burn Your Fire for No Witness, a record full of songs that took shape in Asheville, N.C., last summer. Olsen is working with a new band, including Josh Jaeger on drums and bass player Stewart Bronaugh. With Congleton's help, the trio found ways to make these songs calm and combustible. I've been living with this music for a few months, and it's become my friend, my comfort; it shakes me, saddens me and lifts me.

6. Mac DeMarco - Salad Days
(42 point)

DeMarco is hardly the first artist in recent years to bear the mark of an infatuation with My Bloody Valentine, but rather than going for straightforward distortion-laden pastiche, he applies their pitch-bending sound to music that sounds nothing like them: the country-rock meander of Goodbye Weekend, the synthpop of Chamber of Reflection. The result is deeply odd, where most music influenced by My Bloody Valentine is deeply predictable. It sounds warped in the old-fashioned, album-left-out-in-the-sun sense: both are charming songs, but the music keeps slipping queasily out of focus.

5. Future Islands - Singles
(45 point)

Pick any song, like the achingly pretty "Seasons (Waiting on You)" or the understated "Light House" or the after-hours Roxy Music-inspired "Like the Moon," and it'll be the kind of song that will stop people in their tracks in a crowded bar, the kind that you play over and over when you run across it streaming on a website, the kind that you tell all your friends about. A whole album of songs like that feels like a dream come true. It's real, though, and the vocals, the songs, the music, and the production work together to make Singles a one-of-a-kind experience that's nearly perfect.

4. The War on Drugs - Lost in the Dream
(48 point)

In this way, Lost in the Dream is the War on Drugs' Daydream Nation or Disintegration; lengthy distillations of similar themes result in wildly different threads of song, all connecting again in the end. It's a near flawless collection of dreamy vibes, shifting moods, and movement, and stands easily as Granduciel's finest hour so far.

3. Sharon Van Etten - Are We There
(49 point, 1 førsteplads)

Are We There, en af de der langsomme plader, der kræver lytterens fulde opmærksomhed, ellers kan det sgu være lige meget. Det her er soul som i et blik lige ind i en anden persons sjæl. Det er både foruroligende og vederkvægende, og det bliver bedre og bedre for hver gennemspilning. Nå ja, og så er den også virkelig flot produceret.

2. Conor Oberst - Upside Down Mountain
(52 point)

There’s been small hints of criticism floating around reviews of the record, suggesting that Conor Oberst was at his best back when he seemed urgent, when he seemed heartbroken. To believe that is to completely lack understanding of change and development. If Oberst was still yelping into microphones about how his ex-girlfriend gave him a lock of her hair and that meant they’d never break up and now she’s banging some dude and he’s really sad, Oberst would not be a good musician. To continue to entertain your fans and to continue to entertain yourself, a musician needs to believe in the music they’re playing. Upside Down Mountain is the perfect album to come from a recently married musician who has been in the industry for 20 years and has played a role in the creation of hundreds of songs. Maybe, finally, it’s time we give Oberst the credit he’s always deserved. Upside Down Mountain is all a fan could have asked for.

1. Sun Kil Moon - Benji
(87 point, 2 førstepladser)

If you spend enough time with the new Sun Kil Moon album Benji, there is every chance that you will end up crying sooner or later. The first time I misted up to the album, it was during a relatively innocuous moment. “I Love My Dad” is one of the jauntier songs on an album full of haunted, death-obsessed songs, but it’s still the one that did it to me. And it did it to me because of the moment where Mark Kozelek (the man who is Sun Kil Moon; it’s not a band) sings, “When I was five, I came home crying from kindergarten cause they sat me next to an albino / My dad said, ’Son, everyone’s different, you gotta love ’em all equally’ / He said, ’You gotta love all people — pink, red, black, or brown’ / Then just after dinner, he played me the album They Only Come Out At Night by Edgar Winter.” I heard that album a few times before it occurred to me that Winter, the ’70s rock shredder, was albino, and that playing the album was Kozelek’s dad’s clumsy attempt to demonstrate that all people have worth. I cried because this is such a deeply human, fumbling, potentially embarrassing attempt to show your kid a massively important truth. I cried because I’m the same way; if either of my kids ever does the same thing, I’ll probably play them the album Shadows On The Sun by Brother Ali. I also cried because Kozelek sings elsewhere in the song that his father would beat the shit out of him when he was a kid but that the two of them have made peace with it over the years. Benji is full of complicated moments like that: Scenes where tragedy and dumb, inhospitable human behavior and familial love and childhood memory all intersect. It’s an impossibly rich and beautifully written album that drips with loss and regret and love. And after listening to it constantly for a month or two, I feel like I’m only beginning to appreciate it.

fredag den 19. december 2014

Show me your rupees

                      Denne abe i bur må fodres med palak paneer.

Efter månedsvis med stress og jag som opgraderet telefonsælger, er jeg endelig landet blandt palmer og bavianer, hvor enhver ævledreng ville trives, og de næste godt og vel to uger skal jeg bruge på at sidde helt stille med et menukort i hånden og være den forankring, jeg ønsker at se i verden: en strandstol, en kold spand Fanta og en tung norsk roman om, at det er ret fedt at være ung, og så alligevel.

Det er længe siden, jeg har blogget, og det er for længe siden, jeg har set mange af jer. Men I skal vide, at jeg tænker på jer hver eneste gang, jeg ser et håndklæde med Mowgli på, hver eneste gang jeg strutter med pølsemageren på et ækelt toiletsæde (hej Peter, længe siden, alt vel?) og hver eneste gang en udmagret hundehvalp løber over vejen og ligner det forsømte Labrador-ideal, vi alle, som Bævi ved bedst, inderst inde stiler efter. De fleste af pigern vil måske nok scor al bøllern, men der må da være en håndfuld at least, der leder efter en varm rabies-dingo, de kan putte med. Er der ikke en, der har installeret det der Google på computeren, der kan se om rabiesdating.dk findes?

Well, jeg savner jer, jeg ikke ser så tit.

Så ses vi til Nytårsaften hos Kaptajn Donna af De Blå Brædder? Jeg forholder mig nogenlunde alkoholfri hernede, så jeg kan ryge cigar som en lille pige/Lars og drikke drinks og mousserende vine under devisen: du er ikke fuld, hvis du kan holde fast i Kaspers gulv uden at drukne. Husk, at i alle glas ligner portvin dykkermedicin.

Og til jer, som jeg ved, er i Smilet på denne årets sidste dag: Niels Kern et familie, vil du vil du vil I danse - via Facetime - med mig? Hehehæh, måske i de tidlige morgentimer i en sød tåge af alkohol og søvnløshed, som i de gamle dage, åh de gamle dage, åh de gamle dage :)


tirsdag den 16. december 2014

fredag den 12. december 2014


NU ER DEN HER! Her er en liste med årets nomineringer.
- Send en mail med maximum 20 yndlingstracks og 10 yndlingsalbums til kern.cooper@gmail.com - enten prioriteret (hvor #1 får flere point end #20) eller uden rækkefølge. Du må osse bare stemme på 1 sang hvis det er det du vil.  DEADLINE ER BARE JUL :)


Ooookay nu blir det DAMN svært! :D

ej DAMN det blir sgu svært! Nå men har da lige alfabetiseret den azz 4 ur plezh ;)

Allah-Las - Worship the Sun
Avey Tare's Slasher Flicks - Enter the Slasher House
Beck - Morning Phase
Weyes Blood - The Innocents
Jakob Buchanan Kvartet - Some People & Some Places
Caribou - Our Love
Common - Nobody's Smiling
Sharon Van Etten - Are We There
Freddie Gibbs & Madlib - Piñata
Chorus Grant - Space
Cloud Nothings - Here and Nowhere Else
Leonard Cohen - Popular Problems
Cymbals Eat Guitars - Lose
Mac DeMarco - Salad Days
DJ Quik - The Midnight Life
Electric Wizard - Time to Die
Robert Ellis - The Lights from the Chemical Plant
Sharon Van Etten - Are We There
Ex Hex - Rips
Lee Fields & The Expressions - Emma Jean
FKA Twigs - LP 1
Foo Fighters - Sonic Highways
Fossils - Flesh Hammer
Future Islands - Singles
Giant Squid - Minoans
Grouper - Ruins
Hookworms - The Hum
Hospitality - Trouble
Andrew Jackson Jihad - Christmas Island
Lykke Li - I Never Learn
Marissa Nadler - July
Willie Nelson - Band of Brothers
Kevin Morby - Still Life
Conor Oberst - Upside Down Mountain
Angel Olsen - Burn Your Fire For No Witness
Ought - More Than Any Other Day
Christopher Owens - A New Testament
Pallbearer - Foundations of Burden
Parquet Courts - Sunbathing Animal
PRhyme - PRhyme
Prince - Art Official Age
Protomartyr - Under Color of Official Right
Real Estate - Atlas
Rivulets - I Remember Everything
Run The Jewels - Run The Jewels 2
Sean Nicholas Savage - Bermuda Waterfall
Ty Segall - Manipulator
Shabazz Palaces - Lese Majesty
Shadow Shadow - Riviera
Sturgill Simpson - Metamodern Sounds in Country Music
Slothrust - Of Course You Do
Will Stratton - Gray Lodge Wisdom
St. Vincent - St. Vincent
Sun Kil Moon - Benji
Swans - To Be Kind
Tacocat - NVM
Taylor Swift - 1989
Chad VanGaalen - Shrink Dust
Vince Staples - Hell Can Wait
Christian Vuust - Helgenæs
The War on Drugs - Lost in the Dream
The Weather Station - What Am I Going To Do With Everything I Know
Wolves in the Throne Room - Celestite
Woods - With Light and With Love
YOB - Clearing the Path to Ascend
Neil Young - A Letter Home

Allah Las - De Vida Voz
The Antlers - Hotel
Avey Tare's Slasher Flicks - Little Fang
Banks - Beggin for Thread
Beck - Blue Moon
Jakob Buchanan Kvartet - A.D. Buchanan’s Armchair Gospel
Cam'ron & A-Trak feat. Juelz Santana and Dame Dash - Dipshits
Caribou - Can't Do Without You
Neneh Cherry - Across the Water
Chorus Grant - Long Ride
Leonard Cohen - Slow
Mac DeMarco - Goodbye Weekend
DJ Khaled feat. Chris Brown, August Alsina, Future, Jeremih - Hold You Down
DJ Quik - Pet Semetary
Dynamic Duo & DJ Premier - AEAO
EMA - So Blonde
Eno • Hyde - Daddy's Car
Eno • Hyde - Return
Sharon Van Etten - Afraid of Nothing
Sharon Van Etten - Everytime the Sun Comes Up
Sharon Van Etten - Tarifa
Sharon Van Etten - Your Love is Killing Me
Marianne Faithfull - Late Victorian Holocaust
Fear of Men - Atla
FKA Twigs - Two Weeks
Fossils - Critical Mass
Future feat. Andre 3000 - Benz Friendz
Future Islands - Seasons
Mary Gauthier - When A Woman Goes Cold
Ariana Grande & The Weeknd - Love Me Harder
GURU - Pooley
Hess / AC / Hess Spacelab - Jamil
How to Dress Well - Repeat Pleasure
Iceage - The Lord's Favorite
ILoveMakonnen feat. Drake - Tuesday
Yusuf Islam - Dying to Live
Kiesza – Hideaway
Killer Mike speaks in solidarity w/ #Ferguson @ Run The Jewels show night of Grand Jury announcement
Miranda Lambert feat. Carrie Underwood - Somethin' Bad
Lil B - No Black Person Is Ugly 
Lykke Li - Gunshot
Lykke Li - No Rest For The Wicked 
Magic! - Rude
Marwan - Butterbombay
Medina - Jalousi
Kacey Musgraves - Love is a Liar
Nas - Seasons
Willie Nelson - The Wall
The New Pornographers - Brill Bruisers
Conor Oberst - Double Life
Conor Oberst - Governor’s Ball
Conor Oberst - Hundreds of Ways
Angel Olsen - Hi-Five
Angel Olsen - Unfucktheworld
Ought - Habit
Christopher Owens - It Comes Back To You
The Pains of Being Pure At Heart - Simple And Sure
Parquet Courts - Instant Disassembly
Perfume Genius - Queen
Ariel Pink - Picture Me Gone
PRhyme - Dat Sound Good
Prince - Breakdown
Real Estate - Talking Backwards
Rich Gang feat. Young Thug, Rich Homie Quan - Lifestyle
Rick Ross feat. Kanye West & Big Sean - Sanctified
Rivulets - Into the Night
Run the Jewels - Oh My Darling (Don't Cry)
Schoolboy Q feat. Kendrick Lamar - Collard Greens
Shadow Shadow - Skull Drums
Slothrust - Crockpot
St. Vincent - Digital Witness
Sturgill Simpson - The Promise
Sun Kil Moon - I Love My Dad
Sun Kil Moon - I Watched The Film The Song Remains The Same
Sun Kil Moon - Jim Wise
Taylor Swift - Out of the Woods
Taylor Swift - Shake it Off
Tacocat - Bridge to Hawaii
The Ruby Suns - You Can Talk
TopGunn - Kongens Have
Tweedy - Summer Noon
Vandreår - Alting fortsætter
The War on Drugs - Red Eyes
The War On Drugs - Under the Pressure
Weyes Blood - Bad Magic
Wild Beasts - Mecca
Will Stratton - Dreams of Big Sur
Woods - Moving to the Left
Thom Yorke - A Brain In A Bottle
Neil Young - Who's Gonna Stand Up

Jaaaaeh og så har jeg lavet en lillah SPOTIFYA-lista! ikke fordi jeg gir en flyvende for stpostyfi men bare efor vi har ét ellah andet udgangspunkt for at få hørat di GUAR sangar igennam før vi stemma ;)))))

bARE lyt til de gode tracks og få en go ideer! Der er lige et par trackses der er off spottufty limits de er her:

GURU - Pooley

We have the technology!

Sorry Niels Imma let you finish but:

Misty Stone Swallow Fleshlight


- Fleshlight er verdens mest populære onaniprodukt til mænd.
- Formet og designet efter pornomodellen Misty Stones mund.
- Misty Stone Swallow har en realistisk og pirrende Swallow blowjob struktur.
- 100 % latex og phthalat-fri.
- Produceret i USA.


Fleshlight Girls produkterne er formet og designet efter de hotteste pornomodeller i verden, og denne er en tro kopi af Misty Stones frække mund - deraf navnet Misty Stone Swallow.


"Du kommer ikke tættere på den ægte følelse af hende."

tirsdag den 9. december 2014

Er det her..?


EH EH EH, så var jo li til den MORDORfrokost dér, wolla der var G9uz nok sanghæffatjek
NU er den HER! 
inkl. perlerne "Kender du den om Sauron?", "I Mordor sidder Sauron" og "Jingle Balrog"

fredag den 5. december 2014

Kyrbbrer-espille !1!


pssss........hukse og estem eheheh

tirsdag den 2. december 2014


VI husker jo ALLA hvor godt det GIKE sidste ÅRE:
albums / tracks
(hoved vi glemet colpady)


Hvad er årets BEDSTE MUSIK? Det er vores fedst det er OZ der b-stemmer!

Foklare lige systemet: FØRST nominerr vi, SÅ stemer vi, ok?

Nominere ved at skrive i comments, plader eller og sange, og så bliver der lavet en stemmeseddel senere så vi kan steme ok? Sætter nomineringsdealine 10. december, ok?

Okay, glæder mig til at hører far jer!